Portugal Awakes

We are vaccinated, the Hoopoes are back from Africa, yesterday I sunburned my bald head while watching a sailing regatta and every vineyard in the valley is bursting with promise…all signs of renewed life, of Spring.  The Spring of the season, Spring of our riverfront village now hosting travelers and once again living in its cafes, Spring of the Stork couple and their impossibly leggy chicks who live calmly on a power pole at the local gas station! And the Spring of the dawning of life again as the pandemic recedes; all here, all heartily welcomed.

I am so hopeful the pandemic-dark-times will not return, for I believe, based on my own Equilibrium Meter, we could not take much more.  I believe another huge wave would collapse some economies and would lean toward disaster for all economies, but most importantly would lead to such desperation that major hunks of social structure might well just fall into oblivion, might break our hearts, might lead to a true apocalypse.  And them apocalypses have sharp edges and lasting effects…ask the dinosaurs.  

The dark times have opened many hearts, however.  Our little charitable association ANTIGA WAVE, assembled last July with several friends to help the needy of Viana do Castelo has gained traction and is attracting more and larger contributions.  We’ll have fed nearly 3000 people in our first year.  I am proud of my family and our expat friends who are playing such important roles; I am delighted with our neighbours and Portuguese friends who march arm in arm with us and who have never wavered.  I am in awe of Centro Social e Paroqueal De Nossa Senhora De Fatima which provides housing, orphanages, food, even psychological support and counselling to those most in need.  It is peopled with stalwarts of good cheer, great talent and endless vigor. 

This little  blog-note comes to you with my fervent wish that your world too is enjoying a renewed sense of life and hope, that you will breathe deeply and see a future with new birds, fat cattle and good prospects.  Our congratulations to each of you for pulling through this far.  We know it has not been easy.  Keep pulling.

3 thoughts on “Portugal Awakes”

  1. Absolutely! Pulling and pushing the best and the worst. Opening our mind and taking care of this magnificent world;);)

  2. That was really nice of you Hendons. Hugs and kisses (to Norweige) and goodbye to dark days.

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