Join Us If You Will

Like you, we are anxious to see a vaccine become available, to see the end of this nightmare, but presently we are nearly overwhelmed.  We are worried about our family and friends in America and our friends just over the mountain, but our greatest concerns are for the most unfortunate people in our village…those literally without enough to eat.  Through ANTIGA WAVE, we are doing our best to get meals to them without jeopardizing our own safety, nor that of our suppliers and the foodbank workers.  So far all our crew of friends and colleagues have escaped COVID and we will continue, but it is a spectre…as must be your lives as well.  

Our little non-profit association, ANTIGA WAVE, continues to slowly gain momentum, feeding first 150 people in July, then 300, then more,and as of November, over 600.  We expect December to see the largest usage of the local food bank, and we have taken on the assistance of a local orphanage as well.  There is a genuine need and we are here with only modest means, but we intend to help…it is that simple.  
We, ANTIGA WAVE, and Linda and I personally, are in awe of the generous hearts of the Portuguese who can afford to help their neighbors, of the Expats in our town who have joined forces with us, of the merchants and restaurateurs and of our friends in the US who are cheering us on.  This is camaraderie.
If you would like to join this band of fine neighbors, just respond to the comments section on this blog and we’ll get the details to you so you can contribute.
Be well.  Be vigilant.   

2 thoughts on “Join Us If You Will”

  1. You are doing wonderful work, you two. We love you and miss you. John and I are recovering from Covid 19; this is Day #11 so we are past the “danger zone” for breathing problems. We are tremendously grateful. Continue to take extra care and be well. Love, Joan and John

  2. So grateful for people like you and Linda! Thank you for all you’re doing as well as inspiring people like us to get out there and give. All the best, Cheryl

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