Eighty Sweet Lemons

The Italians won the Prada Cup in a magical boat named LUNA ROSA. 
LUNA ROSA; the name alone thrills me, but add the triad of perfection of eighty sweet, perfect lemons on our two trees, the fragrant flowers on all seven of my Jasmine vines and the exquisite proud green bud on the end of every branch of Big H, my fig tree, and it totals a real flicker of hope after some very dark, sometimes hopeless feeling months.  It is Spring here.  We may live.  The sun is out.  A big grey and white cat walked the length of the upper veranda right under the nose of my cat-killer Vizsla.  Did I say walked?  She strutted; totally insouciant.

Today Trixie and I took the moto and sidecar out to exercise it and scout for birds and more cats…we climbed the cobbled streets and lanes of our village slowly, getting high enough to glimpse the sea glimmering in the west.  This is a favorite loop and we drifted slowly back down through the vineyards, farms and gardens of our valley, waving and trading “Boa Tarde!” with farmers on tractors, couples walking the lanes and one elegant quite elderly man, by appearances, walking with a staff, ankle-deep in the rich soil of his newly ploughed field.  He looked completely satisfied.  Completely alive.


Trix and I stopped on a little stone bridge crossing a freshet and turned the motor off to hear it burble.  I wish you could have been with us.

3 thoughts on “Eighty Sweet Lemons”

  1. I wanted to see a picture of the old man “ankle-deep in the rich soil” too. Deep set wrinkles winking in the light. And lovely lemons lounging and languishing in the larder of your largesse, i.e. a bowl in the kitchen. A literate and lucky look at your alliterative life Hendon. :)) Keep it up!

  2. Thank you for a small peek at your new life. The lemons look heavenly especially since they are so expensive and not ripe here. You just missed a bad snow/ice storm here, one lasted a few days, but damage terrible. I had part of a tree go through my roof but not through the family room ceiling thank heavens. They have patched it until repairs can be done. Enjoy the sun……………….DonnaLee

  3. The emergency and beauty of Nature well exposed by your peeks and thoughts.
    Revolution now !! to get out of this long Lock down.
    Welcome Spring.
    Let’s join our minds as a weapon!

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